The aim of the project is to reduce territorial disparities in human public services in Kiskőrös and its region, contribute to social convergence, improve access to quality public services, contribute to the catch-up of disadvantaged social groups, improve the employability of disadvantaged groups, contribute to strengthening their labour market position, improve the quality and efficiency of certain public services, develop cross-sectoral cooperations, integrated solutions, and differentiate nationally homogeneous services. The priority objective of the project is to develop cultural and social capital and individual and community capacity in line with the call. Experts from the consortium members were involved in the project design (4 persons: Dr Andrea Lacziné Ritter, Dr Gabriella Nagy, Adrienn Korányi and Dr. Csilla Polereczki) and the Local Human Resources Development Plan, which underpins the project. The results of the Needs Assessment, Preliminary Needs Assessment and the Situational Findings were incorporated into the Local Human Resource Development Plan. The planned project will be carried out in a consortium of 7 people, in which the consortium is led by the Municipality of Kiskőrös and the members of the concorcium: Municipality of Soltvadkert, Akasztó, Csengőd, Tázlár Municipality, Health Social and Child Welfare Centre (Kiskőrös), Consolidated Social Institution (Soltvadkert). In connection with the project, the consortium cooperation agreement has been attached as an annex to the application. During the preparation of the programme plans (trainings, programmes, mentors, experts, individual development) prepared for the project, the main goal was to catch up with the community and to reduce territorial disparities, so that the programme elements reflect on the problems identified in the local equal opportunities programmes and build on local communities and resources. In order to prepare for the employability of disadvantaged groups, it is planned to purchase software to support the development of key competences for employees, which assesses and diagnoses individual competences and then provides advice after personal evaluation. This will help to improve workers’ practical knowledge and key competences in society and employees. During the implementation of the project, different training and development programmes will be implemented as follows: — Making meaningful programmes tailored to the interests of the age group available to young people in community spaces: 1) Inn hours: Briefing young people aged between 12 and 24 by professionals on topics of interest to young people 2)What will I be when I grow up? With the help of a measurement evaluation and development system supported by a special software environment, the student’s ability and competence can be learned, which can be developed accordingly, and a suitable career model can be set up for him. — Counselling in preparation for job search: 1) Individual personalised consultation under the guidance of a specialist: advice related to the assessment of an individual’s real skills and competence matrix. 2) Individual counselling for disadvantaged jobseekers: Advice related to the assessment of an individual’s real skills and competence matrix. — Measurement of individual competences: An assessment of the practical knowledge, social and employee competences of prospective workers living among socially limited opportunities. — Actions to mitigate shortages of skills and skills identified as part of the needs assessment and adequately substantiated — Organisation due diligence and development: its target group is the selection and recruitment of staff in human public services and potential employees. In the organizational development process, there is a strong focus on diagnosis, where a qualitative, quantitative and network research methodology should be used. — Programmes to enable independent living: 1) Basics of Self-Knowledge: The focus of the training is self-knowledge and self-confidence, thus helping to accept each other and understand our social relationships. 2) Self-knowledge and self-image: Knowing ourselves helps us to get to know others better, understand them and thus capture them. 3)Contact building training: During the training, they can gain insight into the emotional, trust, communication, conflict resolution and combat scenes of a relationship, so that they can use the knowledge to build the right relationships that are beneficial to them. 4) Personality development and conflict management in everyday life: The training can help to identify the areas of the participant’s personality to be developed and to prepare a solution plan. The programme covers the concept of conflict, the acquisition of situational detection techniques, and the transfer and acquisition of effective treatment methods. 5) Stress management training: By completing the training, the