This grant application is submitted by a 9-member consortium of settlements in the Jászapáti district and a non-governmental organization. The district is a district to be developed with a complex program. The district is located in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, where the value of GDP per capita is significantly lower than the national average. The grant application to be submitted for this call for proposals is a district-level settlement development model based on the cooperation of municipalities. The program is a district-level development program aimed at the local community because: it affects several settlements in terms of its scope; affects a district, city, municipality in an administrative sense; affects individuals, families, institutions and organizations maintained by local governments; it includes interventions covering all areas of life. The overall goal of the program and the present project is to reduce the tension between the demands of the local budget and those of the local society to the municipality. The grant application prepared for this call for proposals, in line with the objectives of the Call, aims to contribute to: alleviating the shortage of professionals in the field of human public services by implementing incentive programs; to prepare disadvantaged groups for employability, to participate in the labor market and to help them enter the labor market; to strengthen the social organizing role of local small communities, to strengthen the retention capacity of the countryside; to strengthen intercultural cooperation. Objectives and target groups: Implementation of incentive programs for the development of the professional supply of human public services. Target group: professionals working in public services maintained in municipal maintenance Development and strengthening of service packages supporting the improvement of the employability of people of working age belonging to disadvantaged groups. Target group: disadvantaged people of working age Strengthening the social role of local small communities. Target group: young population, elderly population, total population of the settlement Improving the quality of life in the settlement / region, developing the retention capacity of the countryside and supporting related dissemination. Target group: professionals working in human public services. Target group: disadvantaged people of working age Strengthening the social role of local small communities. Target group: members of local small communities Strengthening the retention capacity of the countryside and supporting related communication. Target group: young people, professionals, population Strengthening intercultural dialogue. Target group: nationalities and population living in the settlement make up. The consortium undertakes to carry out the mandatory activities as well as all the optional activity groups. The HEEFT contains a description of the coherence between the activities undertaken and the activity groups of the call. Activities / programs: 1. Incentive programs for the development of the professional supply of human public services: Preparation and writing of its Action Plan, establishment of a settlement scholarship (specialist and pupils / students), development of a housing support service, generation of small communities. 2. Competence development important for disadvantaged, active age, potential employees, employability: competence measurement; individual development plan, mentoring, competence development, non-individual development plan based labor market orientation, preparatory training; Innovative element: creative energies - personality development workshop - occupations. 3. Mentoring disadvantaged, active, potential employees 4. Shaping the attitudes of employers. 5. Use a community organizer. 6. Strengthening the social role of local communities; Community space programs; Implementation of district-level youth information programs. Health Day series in every locality and every year. Complementing traditional Village Day events with a thematic program element related to a healthy lifestyle. Development and revival of clubs: hiking, cycling, hiking, seniors' club, youth club, cinema club, etc. 7. Improvements to improve stay and quality of life: District-level youth information programs. District-level Generations Meeting programs. Municipal scholarship programs. Professionals lakh