Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 May 2019
End date: 29 July 2022
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 1 413 500,00 €
EU contribution: 1 201 475,00 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, EU fejlesztési és stratégiai helyettes államtitkár

Development of human services in the Jászberény subregion

The present aid application is submitted by a consortium of municipalities and organisations in the district of Jászberény. The district is a beneficiary district. The district is located in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county, where the GDP per capita is significantly lower than the national average. The grant application to be submitted in response to this call for proposals relates to the implementation of an inter-municipal cooperation model programme. The overall objective of the programme and the current project is to reduce the tension between the needs of the local society and the local government as defined by the budgetary framework. The grant application drawn up in response to this call for proposals, in line with the objectives of the call, intends to contribute to: implementing incentive programmes to alleviate skills shortages in human public services; to prepare disadvantaged groups for employability, to participate in labour market instruments and to facilitate their entry into the labour market; strengthening the social organisation role of small local communities and strengthening the retention capacity of the countryside; strengthening intercultural cooperation. Objectives and target groups: Implementation of incentive programmes to improve the professionalisation of human public services. Target group: develop and strengthen service packages supporting the employability of people of working age belonging to disadvantaged groups. Target group: underprivileged, active-age residents Strengthening the social role of small local communities. Target group: young population, elderly population, total population of the settlement Improving the quality of life in the settlement/region, improving the retention capacity of the countryside and supporting related dissemination. Target group: professionals working in human public services Other categories of activities included in the following categories: Increasing the employability of disadvantaged groups, facilitating their participation in active labour market instruments and their participation in the labour market, and developing an integrated employability support system. Target group: underprivileged, active-age residents Strengthening the social role of small local communities. Target group: members of small local communities Strengthening the retention capacity of the countryside and supporting the sharing of values in this regard. Target group: young people, professionals, population Strengthening intercultural dialogue. Target group: the consortium consists of 7 settlements of Jászberényi district in the North Great Plain, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county, a secondary school with religious maintenance in Jászberény, and two NGOs: It consists of 10 members: Municipalities: Jászberény, and Jasagó, and Iasiso-Gheorghe, and Pustamonostor, and Jasboldoghaza, and Jastelek, and Jasakōhalma; Jászberény Catholic Kindergarten, Primary School, Liska József Secondary School and College; Hungarian Red Cross Jász — Nagykun — Szolnok County Organisation; “Place” Foundation. The consistency between mandatory and optional activity groups and project activities shall be included in the week. Planned activities of the project: 1. Preparation and implementation of a local Human Resource Development Plan. 1.1 Establishment of a Local Human Resource Development Plan Action Plan. 1.2 Implementation of the Local Human Resource Development Plan Action Plan: Implementation of measures to address the shortage of professionals in human services: — Development of a scholarship scheme for professionals related to knowledge-enhancing. — Provision of housing support to alleviate skills shortages. — Development of a system of in-kind benefits related to the localisation of professionals. — Implementation of other activities developed in the Action Plan, job analysis, reorganisation, preparation and implementation of an action plan). Organizational development. 2. Preparation of individual development plans (EFT) and competence development. 2.1 Measurement of competence. 2.2 Improving competence. A person’s upskilling path is established on the basis of the EFT. So, the training portfolio presented here can vary, expand. In addition, the given 4 training programs, on average 30 hours, can vary in quantity and type. Current training portfolio at the time of project planning: — Learning methodology — work socialisation — cooperation, cooperation in group — opportunities for conflict management — living — basic computer use — foreign language — attracting interest Social mentors: Individual development plans are prepared by the staff of the Family Support and Child Welfare Centre as an additional task and by full-time social mentors. The 200 people are first mentored by social mentors. 3. Labour market training of disadvantaged, active-age population. 350 people are implemented within the framework of the programme.

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