Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 September 2018
End date: 31 May 2021
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 1 404 425,31 €
EU contribution: 1 193 761,51 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, EU fejlesztési és stratégiai helyettes államtitkár

Solti consortium EFOP-1.5.3 Development of human services

In the Partnership Agreement, the Government set the objective of improving the quality and accessibility of public services. The Government plans to achieve the goal through cooperation between local governments and non-profit organisations with majority ownership of local governments, non-profit organisations with a majority municipal influence, civil society organisations, non-profit organisations and public health and social services providers. Our consortium was established to achieve this overall strategic goal, and we carried out the needs assessment, market analysis, target grouping and the (and eligible) activities of our project during the planning period. The consortium members shall: Municipality of Solt? Municipality of Dunavecse? Municipality of Homokmégy? Municipality of Miske? The Municipality of Dunapataj? Municipality of Harta? Municipality of Dárszél? Bács-Kiskun County Council (BKMÖ)? Hungarian Studentsport Association (MDSZ) In the framework of the consortium’s cooperation, we undertake to contribute to the implementation of their project: reducing territorial disparities in human public services? improving access to the process of social inclusion, quality public services? to catch up with disadvantaged social groups? by improving the employability of disadvantaged groups to strengthen their labour market position? to improve the quality and efficiency of individual public services? cross-sectoral cooperation, integrated solutions? to differentiate nationally homogeneous services? any additional costs in addition to the aid received will be financed by our own resources. The county area of the project is Bács-Kiskun County. The physical implementation of the project elements takes place in the municipalities forming the consortium. Development of the county affected by the aid on the basis of gross domestic product per capita (thousand HUF, based on 2015 HCSO data): 2617 thousand HUF. Problem that inducing the project The region is characterised by a very large territorial gap in the availability of skilled labour, employment and unemployment. There are economic, social and infrastructural disadvantages in the settlements, which together limit the life chances of the inhabitants. The negative effects of regional disparities can be seen in municipalities. Health, education, social institutions, infrastructure, local economic activity and access to public administration are hampered and poorly positioned in settlements. On the basis of the problems, there is a need to develop the capacity and range of services of basic human public services and to develop the competence of professionals. Improving access to public services. Target system of the project The general objective of our project is linked to the objectives of EFOP priority 1, and our project includes activities supporting the actions planned in the local equality programmes (HEP) and the implementation of the planned measures to improve the situation of the target groups of equal opportunities. The main objective of the project is to develop cultural and social capital, as well as individual and community capacity, as a result of which the people living in certain areas, settlements and parts of settlements learn about the human, mental, material and environmental values of their settlements, they become aware of the human, knowledge and ability values of their own personal and narrower community and become suitable for the conscious use of the resources inherent in their environment and ourselves for development and development purposes. Through regionally differentiated, complex human public service development, interventions contribute to reducing the number of areas where services are lacking, responding to real local problems by introducing dedicated service tools to address problems arising from territorial capacity constraints. By means of measures to reduce territorial disparities, thus improving the conditions for social convergence, an appropriate combination of these instruments, adapted to specific territorial problems, will contribute to the catching-up of areas which are lagging behind and lack of service by coordinating the various territorial equalisation measures. The interventions build on the already implemented and expected results of the sectoral programmes, are in line with the various territorial and municipal development programmes, and are linked to infrastructure developments, and are closely linked to local equal opportunities programmes, such as those contained in the 2nd Local Documents of the Hungarian National Social Inclusion Strategy. The basic objectives of the project One of the main objectives of the project is the interest of social inclusion

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