Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 27 December 2017
End date: 26 March 2022
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 1 366 233,43 €
EU contribution: 1 161 298,42 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, EU fejlesztési és stratégiai helyettes államtitkár

Development of human services in Kiskunhalas district — Creating opportunities in human services

The main objective of the project is to achieve social catch-up, reduce territorial disparities and improve access to quality human public services. Another main objective is to support the implementation of complex territorial development programmes aimed at addressing the problems identified in local equal opportunities programmes based on local communities and resources, by reducing territorial disparities in the area of human public services outlined in the analysis of the situation and by improving access to quality public services. The overall and most important objective of the project is therefore to balance the quality of human public services at territorial level, taking into account the needs of the population groups. The aim of the project is to contribute to the development of complex complementary services necessary to meet local specific needs, taking into account the number, characteristics and territorial differences of the relevant target group. With our project we wish to contribute: — to catch up with disadvantaged social groups, — to improve the employability of disadvantaged groups in the labour market, — to improve the quality and efficiency of individual public services, — to develop integrated, innovative solutions, to implement pilot activities, — to create cross-sectoral cooperation, to develop joint professional thinking, the process of developing thematic strategy, — to develop settlements and region-specific solutions, taking into account the opinion of the population groups, — to develop community activity of municipalities, — to attract local residents, especially young people, — to establish dialogue between human public services and population groups. Our main goal is to develop cultural and social capital, individual and community capacity, as a result of which the inhabitants of the settlements involved in the project become familiar with the human, intellectual, tangible, environmental values of their settlements, they become aware of the human, knowledge and skills values of their own personal and narrower community and become suitable for the conscious use of the resources inherent in their environment for development and development purposes. The project is carried out by five municipalities in a consortium: The settlements of Kiskunhalas, Tompa, Kis Accommodation, Pirtó and Harkakötöny. In defining the target groups of our project, we based on the local equal opportunities programmes, the 321/2011. As stated in the terminology of the Government Decree, as well as for the target groups defined by the call for proposals, we added some of the target groups mentioned only indirectly in the above mentioned materials. Presentation of direct target groups: Roma, people with other economic disadvantages, public employees — The analyses show that the Roma population does not appear in all areas of the project. Roma live in three settlements: Kiskunhalas, Tompa and Kisszállás, and in Kiskunhalas, typically in segregated areas, in Tompa and Kisszállás. The Roma are living in extreme poverty almost everywhere, they are not economically independent, they are unable to care for themselves, nor do they transfer the ability to “go to work” and work socialisation in their socialisation and cultural patterns. Therefore, the target group for them can be the whole family — for adults, economic activity, motivation, learning, and learning for children can be the solution. Therefore, we plan the participation of the Roma target group in all the activities of the project, and we implement a specific promotional activity for them in order to be able to report progress to them as widely as possible. People with economic disadvantages, public employees — Although the documents and analyses only refer to the public employees, the statements of local government employees and mayors revealed to us that economically inactive persons or those working in public employment are inhabited in settlements who are unable to work in the labour market due to a variety of skills shortages, public employees are employed in the primary labour market and gain competitive income. As a result, we also consider the public employees to be the target group of the project — as their income is generated in the same category of transfer incomes as in the case of economically inactive or deep-poverty strata. Therefore, through the activities of the project, we also aim to reach the public sector through programmes targeting disadvantaged people. Children — Although equal opportunities programmes focus on the disadvantages of children, their multiple disadvantages and their definitions and reasons, the child is not the primary target group of the project because of the following: With the same consortium, we submitted the EFOP-3.9.2-16-0004 tender a short time ago.

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