Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 February 2018
End date: 31 August 2020
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 1 411 850,49 €
EU contribution: 1 200 072,92 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, EU fejlesztési és stratégiai helyettes államtitkár

Complex development of human services in Lake Velence

The overall objective of the project is to improve the chances and quality of life of the disadvantaged population living in the region through the complex cross-sectoral development of human and public services. The implementation of the project aims to increase the chances of social inclusion and to improve the factors that directly affect the quality of life of the community living in the region, especially disadvantaged people (employment, healthy lifestyles and community-cultural cohesion). The aim of the project is to achieve results in an intersectoral approach by developing complex, multiple public services simultaneously and interactingly. In order to achieve the overall objective of the project, the following four milestones have been defined: Direct goal 1: The direct aim of the project is to make available to citizens living in the Lake Venice region, disadvantaged, active labour market tools or unable to enter the labour market, low-threshold, personalised public services that effectively and effectively support their employment skills and opportunities. Direct goal 2: Strengthening the social-organisation role of small communities The direct objective of the project is to expand the common fields of action of disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged populations through the development of public services (public health, health promotion, community development, strengthening cultural identity) and programmes that define the quality of life of people living in Lake Velence, thereby strengthening the social-organising role of communities. The project will strengthen civil initiatives that operate socially useful task systems related to, but going beyond and complementary to public services, and which can strengthen the population retention power of the region. The aim is to strengthen youth communities, to strengthen generational and intergenerational links, and to promote forms of volunteering that help to foster socio-economic catch-up. The direct objective and related activities are essential to achieve the overall objective of the project, since the expansion of the Community action and service development affecting both disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged populations has a positive impact on the chances of catching up. Strengthening the social organisation role of small communities and developing the community is of particular importance in the region, especially with regard to the high proportion of households without employees. Direct objective 3: Increasing the population retention power of the region The direct objective of the project is to develop and operate services focusing on the youth target groups most affected by emigration, as well as on families potentially settled in the area, which strengthen the region’s capacity to retain and attract the population. The availability of public services for young people, inactive people and families in the region should be strengthened in order to counteract the absorption effects of the two surrounding economic poles (Budapest, Székesfehérvár). The direct objectives of the project will be achieved through five interventions. Interventions: 1. Improving the employability of disadvantaged, active-age populations, tailored to the needs of the regional labour market, will primarily and directly contribute to establishing the success of the people living in the region in the labour market. The activities of the intervention contribute indirectly to increasing the population retention power of the region, strengthening the competitiveness of local businesses and employers, thus having a positive impact on the expansion of local income opportunities. 2. Community development, building on generational cooperation, directly strengthens the social-organising role of small local communities and the development of intergenerational relationships through service development targeting young people, especially NEETs or vulnerable target groups, disadvantaged people and formal and non-formal communities. The development of Community action is essential in order to catch up with the disadvantaged. 3. The development of a community and individual health culture; the intervention “Promoting lifestyle change for disadvantaged people” directly supports the strengthening of the social organisation role of small communities and the development of the employability of the people living in the region, as it aims to develop a health promotion service portfolio that significantly and effectively improves the health status of the population and leads to a lasting shift in attitudes among those at risk of health risks. 4. The implementation of regional service developments to support the localisation of young people and families is aimed at the development of human and public services that make the affected settlements attractive, perspective and liveable, thereby reducing

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