Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 16 September 2016
End date: 15 September 2019
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 8 481 000,00 €
EU contribution: 7 208 850,00 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, EU fejlesztési és stratégiai helyettes államtitkár

Communities in Action — active community engagement

The National Priority Project of the NMI, NMI and NSZK established the overall goal of increasing social activity, strengthening community engagement, strengthening relations between municipalities, cultural institutions and residents of the settlements, and raising the culture of cooperation to a higher level. With the unique tools of cultural institutions, it provides continuous professional and methodological support for the implementation of community development processes that strengthen social cohesion. The direct target group of our project is local governments, civil society, religious and other organisations, institutions and the staff of those who wish to launch community development processes, as well as cultural institutions and staff, participants in the project’s trainings and the cultural community development mentors trained and performing tasks within the framework of the project. Our indirect target group includes the inhabitants of settlements, parts of settlements and communities that want to start community development processes, residents and communities of socially-enhanced cultural institutions and cultural institutions whose staff participate in the training. We ensure the achievement of our project objectives through our professional activities for target groups. We prepare an online management information and monitoring system to follow the activities of the project and to prepare reports on projects under the TOP. We implement methodological developments in 5 themes, accompanied by workshops and methodological days and published in professional guides and wiki-based systems. On the basis of methodological results, we develop selection criteria for cultural institutions to be supported by methodological and mentoring. The preparation of cultural community development mentors is carried out in the framework of an accredited training course, after which the cultural community development activity of the national mentoring network is started, supported by professional support, supervision advice and opportunities to strengthen cooperation. By implementing model projects and promoting TOP “good practices” through practical applications of methodological developments, we promote cooperation between cultural institutions. The online application based on the principle of playfulness generates community processes and promotes the cultural institutional system. We organise national and European study visits for local settlements, and the implementation of one-day workshops serves to get to know the active communities and exchange experiences. We prepare cultural institutions with accredited cultural community development training, national conferences and socialised methodologies built into documents defining the internal functioning of the institution. Sensitisation of community development processes and cultural volunteers’ councils and official staff is carried out with one-day county workshops and accredited training for civil servants. The process monitoring of the application of the uniform methodology developed in the project and the research and development activities focus on the operation of the mentoring network, the assessment of the cultural institutional system, the practice of cultural community organisation, the socialisation of cultural institutions, the assessment of the cultural status and situation, and the Delfi future and trend research, which will be published in the final study. During professional monitoring we undertake monthly quality assurance activities. As part of the communication and dissemination activities, a project website, a CSK-Facebook page, a community week (KH) microsite and a playful application of KH are prepared. We organise a KH communication campaign and implement communication tools, we make SG image materials. We promote professional activities with a national-level communication campaign and publish CSK publications in the form of special thematic journals. We prepare a feasibility study, use legal expertise and conduct public procurement procedures. We carry out information-public and horizontal obligations throughout the project period, and we carry out annual audits at project level. Starting on 01.09.2016, we implement our 36-month project with a project management organisation of 3 people, 51,93 professionals and 72 cultural community development mentors. As a project result, 360 local communities will be supported by 84 trained mentors, 72. We reach 360 settlements with methodological developments, 54 institutions operate socially, 420 professionals working in cultural institutions participate in community development trainings. During the maintenance period, we undertake the follow-up of mentored institutions and projects, providing professional-methodological support, providing 1 forum for contact each year.

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