The overall aim of the project is to increase the social activity of young people, to strengthen their open, accepting and inclusive approach by implementing programmes that target them, and to develop the surrounding primary social environment — families, local communities and contemporary groups — with the support of direct programmes. The final objective of the project is to develop a support system for the implementation of young people’s local engagement, initiatives, strengthening their communities, and to operate a professional environment supporting young people’s activity on the ground, and to make young people sensitive to disadvantaged groups. Interventions contribute to the active participation of young people in local communities, thereby contributing to the development of the region concerned. The project contributes to the realisation of the objectives of the National Voluntary Strategy, as a result of increasing the number of volunteers, the service system supporting volunteering will operate in a stable way, and volunteering will become a well-known and recognised activity in society, especially among young people. The main target group for this project is the group of young people aged 12-25. The implementation of the Community Space programme also provides an opportunity to involve aged 25+. The project’s secondary target group is industry actors, organisations and professionals related to the youth sector and the voluntary field. The implementation of the application programme was based on a comprehensive analysis of the situation. On the basis of the call for proposals and the analysis of the situation, the following groups of activities were planned: Establishment and operation of a National Volunteering and Youth Professional Centre Establishing and operating a network of volunteering and youth professional methodologies with national coverage Establishment and operation of Community spaces Voluntary and youth campaigns and events (national, regional and local level events). Development of services supporting career planning and labour market placement, and related events. Carrying out voluntary and youth research. Development of training materials related to these fields, implementation of training courses. Developing cooperation in the youth field at national and international level. In order to achieve the goals, the project’s design focused on the widest possible support of socialisation processes, and we planned to implement these activities in such a way that services can be delivered with the right tools and content to meet the needs and level of preparedness of the primary target group. As a result of the project, we expect local community spaces and communities that sustain themselves, and the services created during the methodological development of the volunteering and youth professions provide quality services to young people not only during the project but also after its implementation. The services, tools and content developed help young people to find a job easier, ultimately to successfully start a family and start and go through adult life.