The project “Work” aims at overcoming regional imbalances in the labour market and increasing the employment and skills of unemployed people, including disadvantaged people on the labour market, from regions with high unemployment rates. The project focuses on increasing economic activity and improving access to employment for jobseekers and activation of inactive persons by providing opportunities for inclusion in various forms of training and employment. Targeted support will be provided to the long-term unemployed with a view to overcoming obstacles and enabling them to enter employment. The project activities will help to address the imbalance in the distribution of labour force and unemployment in small settlements, providing opportunities for employment and creating new jobs.The project envisages the implementation of the following activities: Activation of inactive persons in the defined regions by employing activation specialists to the respective municipalities; Motivation of unemployed persons for active behavior on the labour market, including provision of specific consultations with a focus on long-term unemployed by employees of the Employment and Social Assistance Centres; provision of training by issuing vouchers for the acquisition or upgrading of the professional qualification (but not higher than the second qualification degree/s) for acquiring key competences to unemployed persons, according to the individual characteristics of the person and the specifics of the workplace;Employment of the target groups on a full-time or part-time basis (at least 4 hours) for a period of up to 12 m;Providing a mentor (representative of the target group) to the employees of the project for no more than 12 m. Together with the above-mentioned direct activities, information and communication and project organisation and management activities will be implemented under the project.