Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 24 September 2015
End date: 30 September 2023
Fund: Cohesion Fund (CF)
Total budget: 375 750 454,25 €
EU contribution: 319 387 886,11 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Дирекция „Координация на програми и проекти”, Министерство на транспорта, информационните технологии и съобщенията

Struma Motorway — Lot 3.1, Lot 3.3 and Zheleznitsa Tunnel

The project Struma Motorway LOT 3 Blagoevgrad — Sandanski is part of the global project Struma Motorway, located in the south-western part of the country, which passes through Blagoevgrad district, with an approximate length of 134 km and is divided into the following sections:- Division from Dolna Dikanya to Dupnitsa — Lot 1 of Struma Motorway (from km 305+ 220 to km 322+ 000) with length 16.780 km;- Dupnitsa to Blagoevgrad — Lot 2 of Struma Motorway (from km 322+ 000 to km 359+ 483) with a length of 37.480 km;- Division from Blagoevgrad to Sandanski — Lot 3 of Struma Motorway (from km 359+ 000 to km 420+ 624) with length 65.090 km;- Part from Sandanski to the crossing of the border with the Hellenic Republic — Lot 4 of Struma Motorway (423+ 800 to km 438+ 500) with a length of 14.700 km. The project, which is the subject of this application form, includes the design and construction of:- Lot 3.1, from Blagoevgrad to Krupnik from km 359+ 000 to km 373+ 300, with the relevant road junctions, earthworks and facilities, including a section of 4.4 km with Tunnel Zheleznitsa;- Lot 3.1 Tunnel Zheleznitsa with a total length of 4.4 km, including a tunnel Železnitsa with a length of 2.012 km;- Lot 3.3, from Kresna to Sandanski from km 397+ 600 to km 420+ 624=420+ 628.478, with the corresponding road junctions, earthworks and facilities. The construction of Lot 3 of Struma Motorway is a top priority of Operational Programme Transport and Transport Infrastructure (OPTTI) 2014-2020. The construction of Lot 1, 2 and 4 as well as the preparation of Lot 3 are financed under Operational Programme Transport 2007-2013. The design and construction of Lot 3.2 Krupnik-Kresna from km 375+ 900 (according to preliminary studies from 2016)=376+ 000 to km 400+ 371.81 (according to preliminary studies from 2016)=397+ 000 is not part of this Application Form, including Division 373+ 300 to 376+ 000 of Lot 3.1 and Division 397+ 000 to 397+ 600 of Lot 3.3

Flag of Bulgaria  Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria