Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 8 January 2016
End date: 31 August 2022
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 2 870 769,41 €
EU contribution: 2 440 153,99 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Finansų ministerija

VIISP portal user-friendliness, development of platform data exchange tools, development of shared services

The aim of the project “Interoperability Platform for Public Information Resources (PIISP) Portal for Users, Development of Data Exchange Tools of the Platform, Development of Sharing Services” is to improve the service of residents, businesses and institutions in the VIISP environment by introducing technologically innovative electronic solutions and providing advanced public and administrative services to citizens and businesses and increasing the availability of electronic services. The objective of the project contributes to the implementation of the objective of measure 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529 “Development of advanced electronic services” of the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for investments from the European Union funds, Priority 2 “Promoting the Information Society”, “Enhancing the accessibility of advanced electronic public and administrative services for citizens and businesses”. It is very important to use existing information and organisational resources more effectively when creating or developing e-services. In order to position the VIISP portal as a one-stop shop for the eGovernment Gateway, it is appropriate to develop tools and centralised information technology solutions for citizens, businesses and public authorities. The objectives of the project are: 1. Develop/modernise VIISP functionality enabling the provision of advanced electronic public and administrative services, increasing the efficiency of data exchange; 2. Develop new complex electronic services for residents/business and general use services for institutions in VIISP portal. Target groups of the project: 1. Authorities providing electronic services; 2. E-service users receive electronic services and advice.

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