The activities of the project will strengthen the representation of trade unions, encourage employers and employees to develop social dialogue in companies, increase their involvement in collective bargaining, which will promote the signing of collective agreements, promote greater involvement of trade unions and employers’ organisations, contribute to the improvement of employment relations, social security and employment, and promote greater involvement of employees in company management and joint social collective responsibility. The project will be implemented jointly with the State Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Lithuania by 4 social partners — the largest employers‘and employees’ organisations that are most active in social dialogue in Lithuania and internationally, most likely to influence changes in the field of social partnership. The participation and responsibilities of the partners in the activities shall be shared by consensus, taking into account the wishes expressed during the meetings of the partners and the selection process, the capacity and experience of the partners. In total, during the implementation of the project, 75 roundtables (min. 1875 participants) will be organised within 42 months, 14 effective social dialogue publicity tools will be created, 25 joint negotiations between the social partners will be organised — round table discussions (min. 550 participants), research work and methodology to prepare the evaluation system for achievements in the development of social dialogue will be developed, and a methodological publication will be published, trainings will be organised — discussions between representatives of institutions and organisations and social partners (min. 1250 participants); 111 events were organised — open training for the public (min. 1445 participants), 10 regional conferences in Lithuania (min. 790 participants), 20 international cooperation activities (80 participants), 2 international conferences (min. 210 participants) and 3 social surveys in the field of social dialogue development.