The objective of the fund of funds “Business Financing Fund financed by the European Regional Development Fund” is to increase the level of entrepreneurship in the country, reduce unemployment and contribute to the economic growth of the country through the implementation of the Operational Programme. The project will develop financial instruments to promote investment by enterprises in the acquisition and deployment of new production technology lines, the modernisation of existing production technology lines, the installation of internal engineering networks necessary for the installation or modernisation of new production technology lines, the introduction of modern and efficient technologies in service sectors, as well as the operation of these production and service delivery capacities, as well as financial instruments to facilitate access to sources of funding for small and medium-sized entities carrying out or intending to carry out research and development and innovation activities, as well as supporting financing models that meet the needs of small and medium-sized businesses, with a particular focus on new business. After the implementation of the financial instruments financed by the project, which will include loans, portfolio guarantees for loans and leasing for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as venture capital investments in companies, it is planned to support more than 1400 companies and natural persons doing business.