Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 January 2018
End date: 30 June 2021
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 356 972,00 €
EU contribution: 124 940,00 € (35%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, yritys- ja alueosaston rakennerahastot ja koheesiopolitiikka -ryhmä

Rokua Geopark time travel

Rokua UNESCO Global Geopark is Finland’s first and so far only destination in the IGGP programme of unique geological areas of UNESCO. The IGGP programme is open to sites that have a unique and internationally valuable geological heritage and aim to develop the vitality of their regions, mainly through tourism. Rokua Geopark has been given a task from its founding partners (Muhos, Utajärvi and Vaala, Metsähallitus, Rokua Foundation, Rokua Foundation) to develop tourism based on the nature and culture of the Oulu River Valley, Rokua and Lake Oulu, as well as to increase local residents’ awareness of their uniquely valuable homeland. Rokua Geopark has carried out the task through extensive cooperation with companies and schools in the region. The most recent major effort has been the development and marketing of the region’s tourism products for international customers. This work has been done in the Attractive Oulu Region (AOR) 2018 project. Through the AOR project, it has been found that there is a great potential for growth in the Rokua Geopark area, especially in educational tourism. This is why the project now being sought will in particular develop the region’s capacity to receive and implement educational tourism. The development will take the form of a completely new exhibition and virtual environment in the region, which is of sufficient quality and attractiveness in the international tough competition of tourist destinations. Rokua UNESCO Global Geopark and the Game Industry of the Kajaani University of Applied Sciences work together to illustrate the creation, formation and natural and cultural values of the Rokua Geopark area. The implementation combines new technologies and traditional exhibition techniques. The main part of the implementation is the digital model of natural and cultural formation implemented by KAMK in the gaming industry project. The model is implemented in Rokua, Oulujärvi and Oulujoki Valley. Virtual models can be utilised by tourists through their own mobile devices and will also be utilised in Rokua Geopark’s new exhibition using mobile solutions, display screens and VR glasses. In virtual environments that open on mobile devices, tourists can experience Rokua Geopark’s central destinations in a fascinating and illustrative way, which will also help to understand the change in the environment in time and how natural processes and environmental change also affect the opportunities of human life and the development of culture on the planet. These are key themes for international educational and nature tourism, and enabling access to them in the Rokua Geopark region’s tourism offer strengthens the region’s attractiveness and attractiveness among international tour operators. The knowledge and experiences provided by the model are supported by the most traditional exhibition techniques and exhibits.

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