The development of tourism, internationalisation and rapid change in the global market and growing competition highlight the importance of efficient, modern and reliable marketing, the emphasis on customer experience in service production, the promotion of regional strengths, and also the consideration of environmental issues. The aim of the project is to increase the internationality of the Kuusamo tourist area, the number of international tourists in the catchment area of the airport, the turnover and future investments of tourism enterprises and tourism employment. The project will launch work to bring the services of the region to the attention of international travel agencies (primarily China, Japan and South Korea) through new types of digital services and to establish strong relationships in the new market for business sales. At the same time, we acquire knowledge and know-how about Asian markets and cultures and find solutions for new operating models. In the long term, the number of passengers and the capacity of scheduled traffic at Kuusamo Airport will be doubled compared to the current level and 100 000 passengers per annum during the project will be reached. At the same time, this will support other important livelihoods in the region, e.g. trade and wood industry, as well as the development of tourism in all municipalities affected by the airport. For the new target markets, it is necessary to strengthen the skills and resources of tourism companies and to develop intra-regional operating models. The project is carried out in cooperation between Naturpolis, Ruka-Kuusamo Travel Association, Metsähallitus and the University of Oulu, which enables sufficient impact on the measures. Main objectives of the project:1. An increase in the internationalisation rate of tourism and a significant increase in the number of international tourists2. Improving air transport connectivity and accessibility of the tourist area3. The introduction of new distribution channels for the tourist area and the efficiency of sales, e.g. through digital solutions4. Development of skills5. Making use of the attractiveness of national parks in international tourism marketingThe project’s measures are divided into five työpakettiin:1.Työpaketti: Targeted measures (main targets China, Japan, South Korea)2.Work package: Measures for the development of air transport3.Work package: Development of marketing and sales targeted at the Asian market, development of digitalisation4.Work package: Skills development (national parks, target market culture, digitality, environment)5.Work package: As a result of the project, the degree of internationalisation of the Ruka-Kuusamo tourist area will rise to the same level as the other major tourist areas in Northern Finland. Effective cooperation relationships and cultural marketing are being developed in Asia, which will provide the region with increasing passenger numbers and scheduled air traffic and also develop travel chains from other airports in the north. New models will be created in the region during the project to ensure the quality of service for new cultures and increasing numbers of tourists. The link between sales and marketing inputs will be strengthened and, in particular, digitality will be fully utilised in all aspects of the project. The development of skills will be invested in ensuring long-term impact on the project’s operations.Nature has been identified as the most important individual attraction factor in Finnish tourism. The development of international tourism focuses on the profile of tourist areas and attractive product offerings. At the global level, national parks are the strongest brand of nature tourism, on the basis of which Metsähallitus plays a crucial role in the project in how the attractiveness of national parks can be utilised in strengthening international tourism. Similarly, the implementation of the university’s project component is about the quality of the environment as a key factor in the strength of the tourist area. In order to maintain existing demand and attract new international tourist groups, tourist destinations and individual companies will need to be increasingly profiled in the future through sustainability and environmental know-how. This will be done by increasing the environmental awareness of tourism operators. As a result of the project section of Metsähallitus, entrepreneurs, guides and other actors know how to utilise national parks in their tourism products. In addition, there are high-quality and multi-channel marketing and communication material for international target groups. The concrete results of the university’s sub-project include a mapping report on the environmental know-how and awareness of tourism companies and guidance material for companies.