Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 March 2015
End date: 30 November 2016
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 300 993,00 €
EU contribution: 112 348,00 € (37,33%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, yritys- ja alueosaston rakennerahastot ja koheesiopolitiikka -ryhmä

Master plan for summer tourism

The aim of the Master Plan for Summer Tourism is to increase the year-round nature of the tourism industry in Koillismaa and to support internationalisation. The development of summer tourism requires an overall regional vision and an action plan that takes into account existing infrastructure, services and their development needs. In particular, national parks and other natural sites play an important role in the development of international summer tourism. The joint development of the tourism industry and the national parks aims not only to make the region an internationally prestigious summer tourist destination, but also to increase the opportunities for business based on the national park. In the long term, efforts will be made to increase the number of visitors to international tourists, to prolong the stay and the summer-time occupancy of the accommodation capacity, thereby improving the profitability and competitiveness of the tourism business and the development of employment. Special attention will be paid to the development of business opportunities adapted to the principles of sustainable nature tourism. The Master plan of summer tourism produced in the project takes a stand not only on infrastructure, but also on the whole environment of summer tourism with its products and services and, in particular, on the development of services from the point of view of international tourism. This is the objective of the project through customer analyses and market surveys. Master plan will be prepared through cooperation between key regional actors, which will also jointly commit to the implementation of the development measures planned in the project and recorded in the Master plan after the project. The main actions of the project are 1. Master plan for summer tourism, which includes an analysis phase, a mapping of development sites and an action plan2. Studies related to the development of the Oulanka National Park and other nature destinations and the development of events supporting nature tourism The concrete results of the project are: a) a Master plan for summer tourism, according to which tourism and related business activities will be developed in the future, and b) Oulanka nature tourism plan, which assesses, among other things, the possibilities of a business based on the national park. As long-term results, the number of tourists in the summer season will increase, the stay of tourists in the area will increase and the internationality of tourism will increase. With the growing importance of the national park and other natural sites for tourism, sustainable business will increase and the acceptability of nature conservation will increase.

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