Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 January 2019
End date: 30 November 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 2 401 170,86 €
EU contribution: 1 200 000,00 € (49,98%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Conseil régional Centre-Val de Loire

INPREST: Continued continuous improvement of the confined building

This project aims to further develop the Animal Health Hub of Tours (PSAT), a reference site for the study of animal infectious diseases and one of the largest European collectives studying infectious diseases affecting human and animal health. The PSAT consists of both a very large joint Inra-Université de Tours (Infectiology and Public Health, ISP) research unit (200 people) and the Experimental Infectiology (PFIE) platform, with 53 agents, which has very specialised facilities, partly unique in France and rare in Europe. PFIE is the main pillar of the national distributed EMERG’IN infrastructure (which has five sites: Tours-Nouzilly, Jouy-en-Josas, Montpellier, Ploufragan, Nancy) dedicated to the control of emerging and zoonotic animal infectious diseases (https://www.emergin.fr/), which involves most of the major players in animal health (INRA, ANSES, CIRAD). EMERG’IN is one of the 21 infrastructures in Health Biology in France recognised by MESRI. PFIE is also a major player in the European VetBioNet programme, which is a network of infrastructures for research in infectious, diagnostic and veterinary therapy. Locally, the PSAT leads the Federation of Research in Infectiology (Féri) which brings together 350 infectiologists and gives visibility to this discipline in the Region, France and the International. The PSAT thus leads the...

Flag of France  Indre-et-Loire, France