Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 January 2017
End date: 30 June 2021
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 797 944,80 €
EU contribution: 270 000,00 € (33,93%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Conseil régional Centre-Val de Loire

Primine — Preclinical model of non-human primates to treat infectious episodes of Broncho-Pneumopathie exacerbations

Broncho-Chronopathy Obstructive Chronic Disease (BPCO) is a common respiratory disease associated with a high mortality rate; according to World Health Organisation data, COPD will become the third largest cause of death by 2020. The onset of periods of exacerbation of infectious origin greatly disrupts the quality of life of patients and accelerates the decline in their respiratory function. The management of COPD and these infectious episodes remains complicated in clinical settings and is currently based on unspecific treatments that cannot effectively control the progression of the disease. The primary project aims to develop a new experimental model to better understand the physiopathology of COPD and its exacerbations and to test a new therapeutic strategy.

Flag of France  Indre-et-Loire, France