In recent years there has been a decrease in the number of predatory scavenger birds in Greece due to various factors (e.g. anthropogenic nuisance in nesting areas, reduction of available food, etc.). This project aims to contain and reverse this phenomenon and is expected to contribute to:- To meet the obligations under Directive 79/409/EEC, as transposed into national law by Joint Ministerial Decision (Joint Ministerial Decision 8353/276/Ε103 amending and supplementing Joint Ministerial Decision 37338/1807/2010 laying down measures and procedures for the conservation of wild birds and habitats). — To meet the conservation objectives of the country. — The protection of carcasses of predators in the Special Protection Areas (SPAs) where they constitute types of designation, in SPAs which are not types of designation, the historical positions of these species in the past and in other parts of the country outside the SPA.- The re-establishment of areas and the increase in the population of carcasses abandoned due to a lack of food.