Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 July 2018
End date: 1 May 2023
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 16 969 256,17 €
EU contribution: 3 183 570,48 € (18,76%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Slovenskej republiky / sekcia fondov EÚ

Promoting the quality of social dialogue

The aim of the national project (“NP”) is to create a space for the professionalisation of social dialogue with the potential to streamline and improve not only the process of drafting legislation at tripartite level, but also to focus on the content of the assessment of legislation in the context of increasing the competitiveness of the Slovak Republic and increasing the level of social reconciliation, while strengthening the professional capacity building of the social partners by supporting the creation of expert documents and education. The aim is also to support the provision of quality and professional responses to the ever-changing labour market situation and to develop more targeted measures aimed at improving the capacity of public employment services to provide timely and tailor-made employment services, implemented on the basis of quality of human resources, links to the labour market, better cooperation with private employment services and social dialogue aimed at developing employment. The NP will be implemented through the main activity “Strengthening the professional and analytical capacities of the social partners, building the infrastructure and communication platform of social dialogue and development of social partnership at national and international level”, which will be implemented through the following podaktivít:1.1 Strengthening the capacity of the social partners through analytical work1.2 Strengthening the capacity of the social partners through supporting expert action1.3 Strengthening the capacity of the social partners through training and traineeships1.4 Education and professional events1.5 Expert workshops1.6 Coordination and material management of the project – Support activity Target Groups NP:sociálni partners, employees, employers, public and private employment services institutions and their NP employees will be implemented throughout the Slovak Republic. Only activities carried out in less developed regions will be covered by the ESF. Measurable indicators NP:1.  Number of employees of labour market institutions who have received training aimed at increasing their skills to provide personalised services to clients,Number of produced materials (assessments, analyses, studies, etc.)

Flag of Slovakia  Bratislava Region, Slovakia