Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 July 2018
End date: 1 June 2022
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 29 942 400,00 €
EU contribution: 12 062 063,04 € (40,28%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Slovenskej republiky / sekcia fondov EÚ
European Commission Topic
European Commission Topic

Re tart for young UoZ 2

The aim of the national project is to improve the labour market position of unemployed young people – NEETs under 29 – and to increase their employability by encouraging increased activity in tackling their unemployment. At the same time, it will also support the development of local and regional employment in the less developed regions (hereinafter referred to as MRR) in Slovakia. The national project, through the provision of an incentive allowance for MUOZ during the first 12 months after taking up employment, will help to better adapt and stabilise them in the labour market. The allowance will be granted to active MUOZs, who will find a job and will be removed from the UoZ register, and they must prove their entry into employment and retention in employment. The financial contribution will be provided on a monthly basis, after verifying the duration of the employment relationship of the employee (formerly UoZ) in the Employment Services Information System, for a period of at least 1 and a maximum of 12 months, amounting to EUR 126.14 per month for the first 6 months, followed by EUR 63.07 per month for a further 6 months. The project will be implemented by the Headquarters of the PSVR (hereinafter referred to as “Headquarters”) and 43 offices within less developed regions, Western, Central and Eastern Slovakia. The target group for the project is MUOZ (NEET) under the age of 29 (29 years minus one day).MUoZ NEET under the age of 29 (i.e. 29 years minus one day) becomes an eligible applicant as an employee who was previously MUOZ, kept in the UoZ register of the Office in Slovakia outside the BSK, immediately before the employment relationship arose for at least 1 month and was removed from the UoZ registration due to the creation of an employment relationship or similar employment relationship on the basis of Section 36(1)(a) of the Act on Employment Services.

Flag of Slovakia  Bratislava Region, Slovakia