Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 2 March 2020
End date: 1 October 2023
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 2 772 890,40 €
EU contribution: 2 330 873,20 € (84,059%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerul Fondurilor Europene

As – Social Entrepreneurship for Community & Social Innovation

The general objective of the project is the active promotion of the social economy, as a mechanism for social inclusion, for the integration into the labour market of people from vulnerable groups and combating poverty, through their personal and professional development, as well as by setting up social enterprises, in the regions of West, South Muntenia, South West Oltenia and Centre, in order to develop and function in a self-sustainable way. The general and specific objectives of the project are logically correlated with the POCU general objective “increasing the employment rate in all regions of Romania”, by creating inclusive jobs in the region, and with OS 4.16, Axis 4: “strengthening the capacity of social economy enterprises to operate in a self-sustainable manner”. Thus, the project is directly related to these objectives: by creating flexible social economy entities adapted to the needs of the respective areas, where they are established; by increasing the level of social inclusion of vulnerable people – on the one hand, those who are employed in these entities, and on the other hand, of the other indirect, vulnerable beneficiaries, in the communities, where they will operate, because they cause their economic growth; by changing the attitude and the way to view/use forms of the social economy as a tool for community development; by developing specific competences and self-esteem among the persons in the target group. The project generates, as a long-term positive effect, the creation of a friendly environment for social affairs and social entrepreneurs, by stimulating the people in the target group to become themselves creators of jobs, welfare, local development and social cohesion.

Flag of Romania  Multiple locations, Romania