Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 10 January 2018
End date: 10 April 2022
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 28 494 979,20 €
EU contribution: 24 220 732,80 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerul Fondurilor Europene

Stimulating the establishment of new small and medium-sized enterprises “Start-up Nation 2” North-West Region, South-East Region, South-Muntenia Region

The general objective of the project is to encourage entrepreneurship and self-employment by supporting non-agricultural enterprises, with activity up to one year, in the urban area, in all regions, excluding the Bucharest-Ilfov region. The general objective of the project is in line with Thematic Objective 8: “Promoting sustainable and quality jobs and supporting workers’ mobility”, with Investment Priority 8.iii “Independent activities, entrepreneurship and the establishment of enterprises, including micro enterprises and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises” and with Specific Objective 3.7. “Increasing occupation by supporting non-agricultural enterprises in the urban area”. The project will be a prerequisite for countering the negative effects of structural adjustments caused by the economic and financial crisis by generating economic and social alternatives and by improving the economic status of people who want to start a business on their own. In the long term, the benefits generated by the project aim to provide a decent living for the 700 members of the target group. The implementation of the project will lead to the support of a minimum of 700 start-ups from the eligible areas provided for in the de minimis aid scheme approved by Order No 692/06.06.2017 of the Minister for the Business Environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship and the creation of at least 1,400 jobs – they will have a positive impact on the business environment at national level and on the living standards of the population. These benefits will spread to the community of which entrepreneurs belong, thus creating a multiplier effect. At the same time, the state indirectly benefits from the implementation of the project, considering the reduction of unemployment rate and the economic growth generated by the new enterprises set up. In conclusion, project implementation will generate a positive medium and long term impact on sustainable development at national level. The project contributes to achieving the specific indicators POCU 4S12 micro enterprises, small and medium enterprises, which benefit from support and 4S 144 jobs created and existing as a result of the support received by SMEs six months after the end of the support.

Flag of Romania  Multiple locations, Romania