General objective of the project – Increasing the quality of human resources in the field of food industry and retail/trade by participating in continuous professional training programs Through the activities proposed by the project has a long and medium beneficial effect on the food and retail sectors in Romania mainly through the participation of employees from these sectors in professional training programs organised within the project for the occupations Operator in the sugar and sugar products industry, Operator in the oil industry, operator of poultry slaughter, Preparator meat and fish products, Processing operator of sausages, Transator, Mobile Machinery for Inland Transport, Cashier, Trade worker and acquisition of IT Competente. By developing knowledge and skills for 607 (of which a minimum of 30 % are over 40 years old and/or come from rural areas and/or a low level of qualification) employees in the food and retail industries, correlated with the fact that they participate in professional counseling activities for the target GT in order to encourage participation in CVT and career development, the project contributes to the specific objective O.S.6.12 – Increasing participation in continuous vocational training programmes, with a focus on those adults with a low level of qualification and people over 40 years old, from disadvantaged rural areas, including the recognition and certification of learning outcomes acquired in non-formal and informal settings. Through the general objective and activities the project contributes to social innovation if we consider that it is the first project to organise CVT courses for food and retail employees in the form of a joint and integrated program. The innovative elemen is that in this way you can achieve very efficient exchanges of experience and good practices, which is extremely important considering the interdependence between the two sectors and the common goal of growth as market sectors, which is possible only by the existence of human resources prepared and adapted to the needs of a constantly changing economy.