The general objective of the project is to support sustainable social entrepreneurial initiatives in North East Region in order to facilitate access to employment. By facilitating the exploitation of new social business ideas, the project contributes to the creation and development of social enterprises capable of operating in a sustainable way and to promote sustainable and quality jobs, especially for people who have difficulties in getting a job. Special attention will be given to social business support that addresses concrete, relevant social problems, existing at local/regional level and which aims to generate positive changes. The project will produce solid, long-term positive effects at the level of the target group members. Due to the continuous training services, adapted to the non-social business profile of the 102 participants (social business for non-social business professionals), they will develop their social entrepreneurial skills, which will allow them to transform social business ideas into sustainable social enterprises (IS) in the long term. Through the financial support itself and through personalised counseling in the field of entrepreneurship, min. 21 people will be able to create and develop social enterprises, so that it becomes a sustainable career option both for them and for other people looking for a job, especially for people who have difficulties in getting a job. Therefore, the project supports the establishment of new social enterprises in RNE and the increase of their survival rate. The implementation of the project in the North East Region will contribute to the consolidation of the social entrepreneurial environment, which, in the long term, will encourage the creation of new social enterprises. In turn, they will lead to the improvement of the social economy sector in the region as a whole, which will thus become more attractive for people and organisations interested in the social investment market. The dynamisation, diversification and development of the social economy in RNE directly and indirectly generated by the present project, according to the principle of “snow lump”, will allow to increase the absorption and retention capacity of the workforce, including people coming from vulnerable groups. This objective, through the results it will generate, will contribute in a significant manner to the improvement of the situation of people and families in difficulty, as well as those at risk, of social exclusion.