Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 28 May 2019
End date: 28 April 2022
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 2 761 333,20 €
EU contribution: 2 329 197,40 € (84,35%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerul Fondurilor Europene

Together we develop the social economy

Establishing and developing social economy structures as well as promoting social entrepreneurship in order to combat poverty, increase social inclusion and employment, as well as the development of the social economy sector, in the less developed regions of Romania. In the European macroeconomic context, the increase in the number of social economy structures from 1.5 million enterprises in 2010, to around 2 million employees in 2010 and from 11 million employees in 2010 to 14.5 million employees today, demonstrates that this sector makes a relevant economic contribution at least in terms of employment (6.5 % of the entire active population of the EU) if it is difficult to quantify in terms of gross domestic product in the respective countries. The social economy is thus gaining a growing importance for the economies of the EU countries and as a result the need for such structures is growing in our country as well. Even though in Romania the field of social economy was regulated only in 2015 by Law 219, such structures existed before this time within NGOs and Foundations as departments without legal personality. At present they exist and can create added value and jobs for which financing such structures is a necessity. Through the proposed objectives and results, our project directly contributes to the achievement of the main objective of,POCU 2014-2020, which aims to develop human resources by increasing access to a quality education and training system, stimulating employment, especially for young people, reducing poverty and social exclusion and not least, stimulating entrepreneurship to create new jobs. Through the interventions it promotes, the project contributes to the achievement of the specific objective 4.16 (AP4/PI 9.v/OS 4.16) which involves the establishment of social economy structures (enterprises) in order to create new jobs, the development of the regions in which they are established, the reduction of poverty and social inclusion. Thus, people with entrepreneurial initiative and the desire to solve social problems of the area where they live will have the opportunity to achieve these goals. The long-term positive effects generated by the project for the communities in which the interventions will take place are related to the establishment of new enterprises that will create jobs, people more prepared through the training courses carried out in a relatively new field but with the potential for growth and development of the area through social entrepreneurial initiatives. The project will also help to remove people from poverty and social assistance who will want to set up social affairs or be employed in such structures.

Flag of Romania  Multiple locations, Romania