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BIOPRACTICE – the success of your future!

GO. The general objective of the project is to increase the number of university graduates in the sector of bioeconomy economic sectors and food and beverage processing/the field of bioeconomy intelligence specialisation, who find a job as a result of access to integrated learning activities in the workplace. The project is fully consistent with Strat. Europe 2020, flagship initiative “Youth on the Move” because it promotes increasing the relevance of education systems in relation to the needs of the labour market and facilitating the entry of young people into the labour market through integrated counselling/guidance/practical rehabilitation actions, necessary elements to ensure the necessary skills for a good integration of higher education graduates on the labour market. The project contributes to the Europe 2020 GO by stimulating smart growth through educational advances that will improve professional prospects and reduce poverty, by increasing the employment rate (75 % of pop by 2020) and increasing the share of graduates aged 30-34 by over 40 %. The project is relevant for the Agenda for new competences and jobs that support the employment policy at EU level, by ensuring that students acquire the skills needed to integrate into the labour market or continue studies and in developing partnerships between the socio-econ and the educational environment, in particular by involving employers in matching the initial training offer with the labour market requirements. The project contributes to OG POCU, to the objectives of AP 6, OT 10, PI 10iv, respects the framework provided by the applicant’s guide leading by implementing its activities to increase the relevance of the labor market and facilitating transition from education to the labor market of 400 students in high school education, as well as the educational attainment of the students in high school, and the education sectors that increase the number of higher education, through the labor market of 400 students registered in the education and education sectors, which support the employment policy at the EU level, by ensuring that students acquire the skills needed to integrate into the labour market or continue their studies and to develop partnerships between socio-econ and educational environments, in particular by involving employers in order to match the initial training offer to the labour market. The project fits into the National Strategy for Competitiveness 2014-2020 by promoting sustainable economic sectors – bioeconomy and food and drink processing, by creating a coordinated university information system – socio-economic environment on current and future labour market needs at multi-regional level, preparing the 2050 generation by implementing a flexible and innovative tertiary education system. The project contributes to the National Strategy for Research Development Innovation 2014-2020 by supporting the bioeconomy smart specialisation and creating a stimulating environment for private sector initiative through coordinated university information system – socio-economic environment regarding current and future needs of the bioeconomy

Flag of Romania  Vâlcea, Romania