The general objective of the project aims to facilitate the transition from the university to the labor market for at least 322 students registered in the higher education system, residing/resident in all the development regions of Romania, except the Bucharest Ilfov region, by carrying out work-based learning programs (practice/internship internships) made with partners of practice predominantly from economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the NCNS and from the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI. The general objective of the project will be achieved through the integrated approach of internships/internships (theory, practice applied at the headquarters of the practice partners, direct and immediate applicability of skills) with the help of individualised career counseling. In the context in which higher education institutions prepare the necessary workforce for the development and functioning of the country’s economy, through this project we aim to review the way of organising guidance and counselling services for students, in order to be able to respond effectively to the needs of student guidance. At the same time, reconfiguring the process of organising internships is necessary, not only for students to be able to develop their work skills, but also so that the univ should not remain a closed circuit with a marginal role in the process of integration into society of young generations of labor force. On the contrary, quality higher education is the one that provides a well-trained, qualified and capable workforce to cope with global competitiveness, which characterises the ever-changing society in which we live. Thus, competitiveness is directly determined by the level of education and the quality of the training of the human resource. Through the project, the improvement actions at the level of higher education institutions will be directly reflected on the quality of the educational training process from which the target group benefits, thus contributing to the development of human capital, increasing the relevance of education to the labour market being indicated by POCU as a major objective of educational policies and is an integral part of achieving the objectives set for achieving the Europe 2020 strategy. The project is composed of 5 macro-activities, which will contribute to supporting the transition of students from school to active life through: improving the counseling and guidance of students in the socio-human fields: improving, planning, realising and monitoring internships; creating innovative services that will support students in transition to the labour market and that will trace the history and results of the beneficiaries in order to provide individualised and personalised services to students, services that will be focused on increasing the relevance of the practical learning results gained at the site