Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: n/a
End date: n/a
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 2 655 413,80 €
EU contribution: 2 257 101,80 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerul Fondurilor Europene

“Developing social enterprises for prosperous and integrated communities”

The general objective of the project is to set up 21 new sustainable social enterprises in urban and/or rural areas from the 7 less developed regions (Centru, South-East, South Muntenia, North-East, North-West, West and South-West Oltenia). The long-term positive effect of project implementation is to generate a minimum of 105 sustainable jobs for the inhabitants of the 7 development regions (ensuring them to promote competitive economic growth and stimulate economic activity by ensuring the availability of a “ready-to-work” workforce that meets the growing needs of the business environment) and to provide affordable services for rural and urban families. The project falls under the "Priority Axis no. 4 – Social Inclusion and Combating Poverty" of the Human Capital Operational Programme in the Investment Priority – "9v: Promoting social entrepreneurship and vocational integration in social enterprises and the social and solidarity economy to facilitate access to employment”. The proposed project contributes to the specific objective of the programme "O.S. 4.16: Strengthening the capacity of social economy enterprises to operate in a self-sustainable way”.

Flag of Romania  Multiple locations, Romania