The aim of the project is to increase the quality of life of the elderly belonging to vulnerable groups in Bucharest. Thus, the general objective of the project is to increase social inclusion and improve the quality of life of 170 elderly in Bucharest, belonging to vulnerable groups and to overcome the vulnerability situation by 85 of them as a result of the provision of social/medical/socio-professional services, until the end of the project implementation period. The general objective will be achieved by developing and providing social services within a Day Center for 170 people over 65, both women and men residing or residing in any of the sectors of the Municipality of Bucharest and in situations of dependence and/or social exclusion. Socialisation, counseling and maintaining optimal physical and mental health conditions will be carried out within the day care center for elderly people, pursuing long-term promotion of active ageing, developing family and community relations, increasing the degree of social reintegration and thus reducing exclusion and marginalisation. All 170 elderly members of the target group will benefit from integrated social services. The day care center for the elderly will be endowed with material and human resources in accordance with its purpose and legislation in force and will operate on the basis of an internal regulation that will ensure equal and non-discriminatory treatment of all members of the target group and unconditional access to the social services provided. The main activities carried out within the Centre will meet the needs of the target group as identified in a needs analysis carried out by the Applicant. Thus, this age category is most often faced with specific socio-medical needs, the need for counseling and psycho-affective and emotional support, the need for socialisation and inclusion, the need for information and the need for counseling (administrative, legal, etc.). Within the project, all members of the target group will benefit from social services and activities of a nature to respond to, and meet these needs that otherwise are little or no substituted in the formal social protection system. The main activities within the day care center for the elderly will be: health monitoring activities and physiological parameters, information and counselling activities for a healthy and active life, information activities, counseling and mental and emotional recovery, socialisation activities and relaxation and entertainment activities, cultural activities. Providing a warm meal at the Centre is likely to stimulate the presence of vast people and to contribute to balancing their monthly economic balanette by reducing their food costs. Also, to