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Supporting the development, improvement and certification of vocational skills for NEETs by facilitating their access to integrated and innovative measures to facilitate and integrate them into the labour market – today’s TINERS, GOODS!

The general objective of the project is to support and facilitate the access of young unemployed NEETs aged 16-24, registered at the Public Employment Service, to integrated, active, innovative, professional and personalised employment measures and interventions, in order to acquire new knowledge, skills and work skills, including by assessing and certifying the skills acquired in a non-formal and informal system, aiming to increase the employment rate among NEETs. The project will generate a positive effect, both in the short term, but especially in the long term, both at target group level and at local level (at the level of the counties of the implementing regions) and at regional level (South-Muntenia Region and Central Region) with positive implications and effects at national level. In the long term, the project will produce positive effects as a result of adapting the activities both to the specifics of the target group, as well as to the local and regional specificities and to the integrated approach of the needs of its members. The first positive effect, expected and generated in the long term, is to increase the degree of qualification and professional training for at least 252 people from GT in the South-Muntenia and Center development regions, by stimulating, supporting, acquiring and certifying theoretical and practical notions, but also by certification of competences and skills acquired including in non-formal and informal system of NEETs, thus contributing to the professional and personal development of the workforce represented by the category of NEETs, at local and regional level, which will generate increased employment among NEETs, in order to increase economic competitiveness and sustainable development at local and regional level. All these positive effects will also have positive implications on the macroeconomic environment at national level. Thus, in the long term, there will be a positive effect by increasing the number of specialised, qualified, trained and professionally trained persons within the labour market, with a higher degree of knowledge, competences, skills and abilities, acquired, cultivated and certified, thus generating a highly skilled and professional training workforce, being translated into an example of good practice to follow, it can then be multiplied with ease so that we can predict an increase in people’s desire to move towards the development and certification of knowledge, skills and practical skills, favoring the development of the labour market, by providing a well-trained and qualified workforce, but also by facilitating the insertion on the labour market. The project will generate a long-term positive effect, due to the following considerations: — Taking on 252 NEETs who benefit from integrated services/measures/instruments, active, innovative, profess

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