This project, “Phase of the WATMAN Project – Information System for Integrated Water Management – Stage I” consists of the continuation of the works related to Phase 1 of SOP Environment 2007-2013 in order to achieve the objectives assumed under Financing Contract No 3732/09.08.2013. The project aims to establish an appropriate infrastructure base at national level to prevent floods and mitigate their destructive consequences. The proposed infrastructure works, equipment and facilities will be installed at distinctive points throughout Romania, in all 11 river basins: Someș-Tisa, Crisuri, Mures, Banat, Jiu, Olt, Argeș-Vedea, Buzau-Ialomița, Siret, Prut – Barlad and Dobrogea-Litoral. The implementation of this project follows closely the National Flood Risk Management Strategy, the project including non-structural measures to prevent future floods and the risks associated with them, the development of effective operational management during floods, as well as mitigating the effects of floods such as pollution, etc.