Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 15 July 2019
End date: 30 June 2022
Fund: Cohesion Fund (CF)
Total budget: 46 361 292,80 €
EU contribution: 39 407 097,60 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale, Administratiei Publice si Fondurilor Europene

Upgrading the hardware and software infrastructure of the TETRA Joint Platform

The general objective of the project is to modernise the hardware and software infrastructure of the TETRA Joint Platform, in order to ensure the interoperability of the structures with tasks in the field of emergency management and a prompt and efficient response of emergency agencies and other authorities responsible to citizens’ emergencies, by modernising the incident command system, in order to reduce human and material losses. The project proposed for funding will consist of the modernisation of the PCT providing voice and data mobile radio services, encrypted, for all authorities and institutions of the Romanian state, by implementing the latest IT technologies, both at central level by using virtualisation solutions within SwMI and at the level of distribution infrastructure by using dynamic protocols for routing IP data packages. The IT system related to the PCT will ensure critical PPDR-type communications, both at national level and in the framework of cross-border cooperation between institutions in the field of emergency management. The upgrading of PCT’s hardware and software infrastructure will contribute to the modernisation of the incident control system and associated IT systems in order to ensure the interoperability of the structures with tasks in the field of emergency management. The modernisation of the PCT will ensure increased interoperability of emergency management structures, as well as optimal management of response resources and all information needed to manage disaster risks for a timely and efficient response by authorities. The results of the project implementation will contribute directly to the achievement of the programme-specific result indicator/Specific Objective 5.2 ID2S49 – Average time for emergency response – “TmRurg”. The greatest benefit of project implementation is to reduce the average time of voice communication of non-medical emergency data to mobile response resources by at least 5 seconds, which is a component of the average emergency response time – “TmRurg”. The reduction of at least 5 seconds will be achieved on the basis of sending SDS-Short Data Messages of the relevant elements of the case sheet needed to trigger the mission, from dispatchers at emergency agency level to mobile response resources, instead of verbal transmission of these case sheet elements (type, severity and address of the incident). The oral transmission of the case sheet results in a delay of 2 minutes due to the call time and communication by the dispatcher of the emergency information and the recording of that information by the crew on the mobile response resource (description of the emergency, data on caller and victim, locator

Flag of Romania  Multiple locations, Romania