Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 28 November 2017
End date: 30 June 2019
Fund: Cohesion Fund (CF)
Total budget: 21 175 006,40 €
EU contribution: 17 998 755,20 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale, Administratiei Publice si Fondurilor Europene

Project Phase Integrated Solid Waste Management System in Vâlcea County

The project proposed for financing from LIOP 2014-2020 aims to continue the works foreseen in the 2007-2013 programming period to complete/extension the existing waste management infrastructure, by making investments leading to the development of an integrated waste management system, so that the standards of compliance with the EU environmental protection requirements and the targets assumed by Romania through the Treaty of Accession to the European Union are met. This system will be fully in line with EU and national environmental principles and legislation and will address all elements of waste management, namely from waste prevention and waste collection to final disposal of residues. The proposed system is tailored to the needs of the county and has been identified as the most cost-effective and accessible for the inhabitants of Valcea County. The objective of the project is in line with the objectives of LIOP 2014-2020 – Axis 3 “Development of environmental infrastructure under resource efficient management conditions”, Specific Objective 3.1 “Reducing the number of non-compliant landfills and increasing the readiness for recycling of waste in Romania”, which promotes integrated waste management systems, which is fully in line with EU policies in the field, as well as with the documents agreed at national level. Thus, this priority axis proposes projects to strengthen and expand integrated waste management systems, respecting the waste hierarchy (prevention, preparation for re-use, recycling, other recovery methods, including treatment and disposal): the closure and rehabilitation of non-compliant landfills and the opening/extension of new landfills, the implementation of selective collection systems, the construction of transfer and recovery/treatment facilities, including composting platforms and individual composting units and mechanical-biological treatment plants, etc. The implementation of the investments within the project aims to develop the waste infrastructure at the level of Valcea County, thus contributing to the achievement of the result indicators of the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme. According to the Financing Application, the project foresees the following investments: — Selective waste collection system with a contracted budget of EUR 1807915; this component will ensure the selective collection of waste in all localities in the 6 waste management areas in Vâlcea county, being purchased: 14.623 collection containers; 20.200 systems for household composting, 9 hazardous waste containers, 7 bulky waste containers; (CB 1) – Phase I – Non-compliant landfills of household waste in Calimanesti and Dragasani closed localities, with a contracted budget of EUR 2007 311; (CL 3) – Phase I – Sun stations

Flag of Romania  Multiple locations, Romania