Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 January 2014
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: Cohesion Fund (CF)
Total budget: 717 741 400,37 €
EU contribution: 610 080 190,32 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale, Administratiei Publice si Fondurilor Europene
European Commission Topic
European Commission Topic

Preparation of the Sibiu – Pitesti Highway project and the construction of Sections 1, 4 and 5

The general objective of Sibiu – Pitesti motorway as defined in the MPGT, is to improve the economic efficiency of the Romanian transport network by improving the traveling time between Sibiu and Pitesti and implicitly improving the connectivity at the regional level. The objective of the corridor is to provide direct access to the Black Sea through a unitary motorway profile as well as to other European countries through border connections. The new motorway is the first to cross the Carpathian Mountains and will bring significant development opportunities for all communities from northern to southern Romania. Thus, the project aims to provide an appropriate mixture of “high quality road” infrastructure, as part of the national infrastructure network, to accommodate long distance freight and passenger traffic as well as local traffic specific to the metropolitan area, while ensuring an appropriate level of traffic safety and security. After the project is Finalised, it will contribute to the Accomplishment of the general objective of LIOP, 2014-2020, Priority Axis no. 1 Improving mobility by developing the TEN-T and subway network, Specific Objective 1.1: “Increasing mobility on the central TEN-T road network”. The specific objectives of the project are: — the construction of 53.38 km of 2x2 new motorway section, including 6 road junctions, 28 bridges and overpasses, 10 viaducts, 1 tunnel, 1 parking area, 2 service areas, 3 Coordination and Maintenance Center. The project is intended to achieve the following general objectives: • Improvement of infrastructure, with direct impact on improving quality of life and living environment; • Contribution to establishment of appropriate conditions for sustainable economic growth in the region; • Increase in competitive power of the economy for achieving a higher sustainable growth; • Support for national, regional and social development and cohesion; • Integration of the national transport system into the transport network of the EU by providing the missing link of TEN-T Rhine – Danube corridor in Romania; • Improvement of performance of the national and TEN-T road network by increasing travel speeds and reducing travel time and operating costs; • Provision of sufficient capacity to cater for the predicted increase in transport of passengers and goods, international and local, resulting from development of the regional and national economy; • Ensuring safe and comfortable travel as a result of high quality infrastructure and removing transit traffic from the urban areas; • Reduction of exposure of people living along the existing national road to air pollution, noise and traffic accidents. The implementation of the project will lead to the achievement of the result indicator 2S1- average travel time on the core TEN-T network within Priority Axis 1: “Improve mobility through the development of the TEN-T network and of the urban underground transport”. The project contributes t

Flag of Romania  Multiple locations, Romania