Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 January 2014
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: Cohesion Fund (CF)
Total budget: 1 031 665 717,12 €
EU contribution: 876 915 859,56 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale, Administratiei Publice si Fondurilor Europene
European Commission Topic
European Commission Topic

Integrated infrastructure for the orbital area of Bucharest

The overall objective of the development of and integrated road infrastructure in Bucharest orbital area (hereby called “the project”) is to provide the package of integrated measures aimed to meet the requirements of Regulation EU no. 1315/2013 on the TEN-T Core network. Thus, the project aims to provide an appropriate mixture of “high quality road” infrastructure, as part of the national infrastructure network, to accommodate long distance freight and passenger traffic as well as local traffic specific to the metropolitan area, while ensuring an appropriate level of traffic safety and security. After the project is Finalised, it will contribute to the Accomplishment of the general objective of LIOP, 2014-2020, Priority Axis no. 1 Improving mobility by developing the TEN-T and subway network, Specific Objective 1.1: “Increasing mobility on the central TEN-T road network”. The specific objectives of the project are: • Component 1 – Bucharest Bypass Motorway – Southern Sector: construction of 51.195 km of 2x2 new motorway section, including 9 bridges, 33 overpasses, 5 interchanges, 4 parking areas, 1 Coordination and Maintenance Center, 1 Maintenance Supporting Point and 1 service area; • Component 2 – Modernisation of Bucharest Ring Road between A1 – DN7 and DN2 – A2 – Modernisation of 20.274 km of national road on A1 – DN7 and DN2 – A2 Sectors, part of the existing Bucharest Bypass (of which 8.750 km for A1 – DN7 Sector and 11.524 km for DN2 – A2 Sector), including 16 intersections, the construction of 3 bridges, 4 overpasses and 2 parking areas, the rehabilitation of 1 bridge and 3 overpasses; • Component 3 – Domnesti DJ602 Intersection, including 2 level Roundabouts, 2 collecting roads; • Component 4 – Oltenita DN4 and Berceni DJ401 Intersections and widening the Ring Road in between, including 4 levelabouts, and 4 collecting roads, as well as the widening of DNCB section between them (6.1 km); • Component 5 – Mogosoaia DN1A Intersection • Component 6 – Modernisation of Bucharest Ring Road between A1 – DN5- Widening to 4 lanes of 14.525 km ring road, including 5 intersections with classified roads, the construction of 3 new passages, 3 parking areas and the rehabilitation of 1 passage; Additionally, the project implementation will: • Ensure an adequate interconnectivity of all inter-regional corridors, with the network of adjacent national roads and motorways; • Ensure adequate accessibility to the TEN-T network from/to the local road network and the city of Bucharest. • Ensure a higher quality of the existing infrastructure by providing improved traffic safety conditions.

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