The general objective of the project is to increase energy efficiency by reducing the thermal energy losses recorded on the transport networks of the thermal agent, reducing the negative impact of the level of pollutant emissions caused by SACET in order to improve the quality of life of the population in Bucharest at the level of 2028 and to ensure compliance with the environmental obligations established by the Treaty of Accession of Romania to the EU. The strategic objective of the project is to ensure a sustainable urban heating system with affordable prices for the population. The implementation of the proposed project aims to achieve the indicator: 2S61 “Energy losses recorded on the transmission and distribution networks of the thermal agent” The realisation of the rehabilitation/modernisation of the transport pipelines results in the reduction of losses in the heating system from 29.8 % (2018) and 1.479.129 Gcal to 22.7 % (2023) and 1.150.330 Gcal representing a reduction of 7.1 % in 2023, i.e. 328.799 Gcal after the completion of the rehabilitation works. Assuming that the sale of heat in 2023 will be equal to 2017 in all 50 SACETs in the country, then if in 2023 all district heating systems in the country have been rehabilitated so that the accumulated losses at national level are 15 % heat, the contribution of Bucharest to reaching this indicator would be 58.8 % (Calculation of indicators in the project according to LIOP – Bucharest presented in Annex B4.2.).