The aim of the project “Conservation, exhibiting and developing cultural and natural heritage in Northern Kurzeme” (Project) is to preserve, protect and develop important cultural and natural heritage objects in Northern Kurzeme, while creating preconditions for increased tourism flows in Northern Kurzeme. Restoration of Jāzeps Roman Catholic Church building;(2)Suitu cultural space – improvement of Jūrkalne nature and recreation park;(3)The landscapes characterising the coast – infrastructure in Ventspils, the south-western district, reach and preservation of the grey dunes;(4) Cultural monument – Ventspils Maritime Museum building building;(5)Lithuanian cultural space – pedestrian path and bicycle path for pedestrians and pedestrians – pedestrian and cyclist cultural monument “Social monuments of cultural heritage” will be made in the building. (1)An increase in the number of visits to cultural and natural heritage sites and tourist sites supported in 2023;(2) Number of protected natural and cultural heritage sites – 6;(3)Number of newly created services in supported cultural and natural heritage sites – 12. (4) Created new jobs – 10.The total eligible costs of the project amount to EUR 5294117.65, of which EUR 4500000.00 or 85.00 % is planned to be financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Project implementation period is from January 17, 2018 until December 31, 2022.