The aim of the project is to preserve, protect and develop important cultural and natural heritage based on municipal development programmes, develop existing functions and offer newly created services in cultural and natural heritage sites, ensuring the sustainability of investments and impact on the development of the socio-economic potential of important cultural and natural heritage objects and integration into the local economic structure. Within the framework of the project 9 cultural heritage sites of national importance will be preserved and restored:•Siguldas New Castle (No.8333; No.7445);•Valmiera medieval castle (No.6921; No. 2505);•St. Simon’s Church (No.6922);•Rubene church (No.6903);•Cesis castle complex (No.6203; No.6206; No. 392);•St. John’s Lutheran Church (No.6214);•Air archaeological park (No.6216; No.398);•Ungurmuiža complex (No.6260; No.6261; No.6262);•Ergeme medieval castle (No.2362). The preservation and restoration of these heritage sites will lead to the creation of 15 services: Exhibitions of Sigulda New Castle, Sigulda New Castle Library with Reading Room, Valmiera Castle Cultural Environment Centre, St. Familiarisation with the sacred heritage of Siimani church, sightseeing of bells, clock mechanism and tower, exhibition of Rubene church “Pa the traces of Chronicles”, Cesis medieval castle adventure “feel in the Middle Ages”, multimedia exhibition of Cesis medieval castle “Life on powder barrel”, Cesis St. Exposition of John’s Lutheran Church in the church tower “Zvana ceļš”, Cesis St. John’s Lutheran Church’s main hall exhibition "St. John’s Church – historical witness of Cesis", supplement to the outdoor exposition of Araiši Archaeological Park, Archaeological Park Visitor Centre of Araiši, Ungurmuižas "Historical Exposition", Ungurmuiza "Living Exposition", Ungurmuižas "Cyclical Exposition", restoration of Erģeme medieval castle Northern tower for opening for visitors. Site visits in 2023, compared to the number of visits before investments in 2015, will increase by at least 87 000 visits in total. The total number of visits to the sites for 2015 was 331 985 visits.The total cost of implementing the project is EUR 12158943.04, including EUR 5852441.51 ERDF funding. The total public eligible costs are EUR 8015707,11. The private eligible costs are EUR 67056,54. The planned total duration of project implementation is 57 months after the signing of the planned contract, i.e. from February 2018 to November 2022.