Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 14 June 2017
End date: 13 November 2018
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 417 731,17 €
EU contribution: 355 071,49 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: FM

Recreation trail in the nature park “Piejūra” in Carnikava, Carnikava district.

The aim of the project is to reduce the anthropogenic load to specially protected habitats and species in the nature park “Piejūra”, creating a quality tourism and nature education infrastructure – a well-maintained recreation trail, which is also included in the Carnikava health route. The recreation trail is landscaped with 5 resting places, where information about the health route and exercises is also placed. Informative stands about nature park “Piejūra” are placed at the beginning of the trail and at the viewing platform, including information in Braille.The duration of the project is 17 months. After the end of the project, Carnikava Municipality will ensure the sustainability of the infrastructure and the achieved indicators, ensuring maintenance and restoration of the trail in accordance with the agreement with JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” on the use of the area under the recreation trail for 10 years with the possibility to extend the term. The project results in an area of habitats supported to achieve a higher level of protection of 3845,4 ha.

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