Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 14 April 2021
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: Cohesion Fund (CF)
Total budget: 6 713 413,18 €
EU contribution: 5 706 401,20 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: FM

Establishment of Biodegradable Waste Recycling Plant “Daibe”

The aim of the project "Development of biodegradable waste recycling plant "Daibe" is to ensure compliance with the requirements of Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste and Regulations No.1032 "Regulations on the management, closure and recultivation of waste landfills, landfills and landfills" of the Republic of Latvia Cabinet Regulations regarding the reduction of the amount of biodegradable waste disposal. To plan the recycling of biodegradable waste from municipal waste, separately collected food waste, separately collected food waste in the biodegradable waste facility, thus facilitating the reuse of waste and increasing the efficiency of waste use.BNA is intended to use two-stage biorecycling dry fermentation facilities combining anaerobic recycling and aerobic recycling (composting) technology. The planned capacity of the BNA processing plant complex is 20854 t/year (the amount of waste entered into the installation is 29693 t/year, waste to be disposed of after recycling 8839 t/year.As a result of the implementation of the project, the recovery rate of municipal waste contained BNA and secondary raw material waste will increase. In the process of recycling biogas and compost will be obtained as a by-product. The biogas is planned to be used by the CSA landfill Daibe for energy supply. The compost is intended to be partially implemented by road construction and quarrying companies, as well as to use part for the self-consumption of the CSA landfill. When municipal waste is treated according to the new technological scheme for waste recycling, the total annual CSA landfill will be about 9.4 tonnes of landfilled waste, which is on average 32 % less than if the project was not implemented. In addition, the quality of recovered secondary raw materials and products and its potential market value will be improved.Recycled materials will be obtained in the amount of 100 % from 21 counties included in the region of waste management (Aloja region, Amata region, Beverina region, Burtnieki region, Cesis region, Jaunpiebalga region, Koceni municipality, Krimulda region, Līgatta region, Limbazi novads, Mazsalaa region, Naukšēni region, Jaunpiebalga region, Valmiera municipality, Kramulda region, Līgatta region, Limbazi novads, Mazsalaca region, Naukšēni region, Valmiera region, Pārgajija region. According to the calculations, the project does not pay during the forecasting period and without the support of the Cohesion Fund the project would not be implemented. The project’s internal economic profitability (ERR) is 18.8 %, which points to the economic efficiency of the project.As a result of the project implementation, at least 15 new jobs will be created.The total project costs are estimated at EUR 8540675,04, of which the eligible costs are EUR 6713413,18. CF funding is 85 % of the eligible costs of the project, i.e. EUR 5706401.20. The project implementation period is planned from the 2nd quarter of 2021 until the 4th quarter of 2023 (December).

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