The aim of the project is to promote business development and increase the amount of private investments in Sigulda region by improving the road infrastructure in the territory related to production in accordance with the municipality’s development programme.The project aims to rebuild the limbi road along its entire length – between the motorway P8 and Saltavota Street, which is located in the territory related to commercial activities and is also a functional connection – the construction of the rigid pavement with rainwater drainage, the combined pedestrian road and street lighting in the territory of the project is at least its functional connection – the construction of a solid surface with rainwater drainage, the combined pedestrian-bike road and street lighting in the territory related to its commercial activities, the project’s investment in the amount of non-financial EUR 1039627.33 in the amount of the project’s construction of EUR 1223090.98 as new project development. As a result of the implementation of the project, 7 merchants will benefit from investments in infrastructure within the framework of the project.The activities included in the project submission are planned to be implemented within 21 month from the I quarter of 2021 to the III quarter of 2022.