Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 14 March 2016
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 69 743 441,22 €
EU contribution: 55 032 949,78 € (78,91%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: FM

Promoting international competitiveness

The aim of the project — to promote the international competitiveness of the industries by providing external marketing, including the external economic representation of Latvia (hereinafter — Representation), support services to increase the export of Latvian merchants. Main activities:• Organisation of national stands at international exhibitions abroad;•Provision of representation activities;•organisation of preparatory events for entry into new external markets;•provision of advisory support;•Providing of project management and implementation; • development of financial and economic justification of the conference centre;from 01.08.2020:•Providing of digital marketing services support; provision of support for the project target group:- for conformity assessment of production units and products;-participation in exhibitions with an individual stand or at a joint stand abroad;-participation in trade missions and visits of senior officials of Latvia abroad;-transaction for organising tourism events in Latvia from 01.05.2018. to 31.07.2020; from 01.08.2020:-participation in conferences and forums abroad with an individual stand, presentation or as a listener or visitor;-participation in foreign matchmaking and foreign matchmaking online;-participation in international digital sectoral platforms;--adapting products or services to foreign markets;-publication of brand or product or service in foreign sector media;-telemarketing services for foreign cooperation partner searching; participation in international industry associations;from 18.05.2021:- participation in international digital exhibitions, conferences or seminars or foreign matchmaking with a virtual stand in Latvia;- websites, online stores, applications for digital solutions and virtual communication platforms;- development and purchase of market research in target markets;- attracting foreign industry expert in export markets. from 01.09.2015 to 31.12.2023.Project total cost: EUR 69743441.22 (including ERDF — EUR 55032949.78, VB funding — EUR 3549340.00, PF — EUR 11161151.44)In the framework of the project, by 31.12.2023 it is planned to achieve:-result indicators: increase in export volume of supported economic operators to 31.12.2023. — EUR 6068440;-output indicators will be supported by economic operators: 1750 in planned marketing activities; 1600 in the form of grants; 1050 non-financial support;-Private funding mobilised for public funding (grants) — EUR 19731598.

Flag of Latvia  Riga, Latvia