The objectives of the project are to: M1. Improve awareness of potential and existing exporters and investors on current export and investment developments;M2. Increase the productivity of the employees of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) and improve customer service processes;M3. Reduce the burden on exporters and investors in the process of obtaining information and in communication with LIAA.Operational project goals: In order to achieve the project goals, the following actions will be implemented within the project:1. Project management and administration, ensuring administrative management of the project, managing project goals with available resources and ensuring completion of project activities and achievement of planned results.2 Development of the Latvian Export and Investment Information System (EIIS) within the framework of the project will implement a procurement procedure to find the most suitable information system developer, using iterative development approach, will identify business and functional and usability requirements of EIIS. As a result, developing an easy-to-use system for obtaining export and investment information and receiving services.The implementation of CEIIS – information content will be planned and its structuring will take place based on themes and target audiences. Pilot operation is planned to improve the established information system and to complete the content based on users’ wishes.4. EIIs user trainings will be conducted and user manual will be developed to ensure users’ understanding of the use of the system.5.Organisation of publicity events – placing an informative poster and regularly publishing information about the project results: 1.The number of companies registered by the CEIIS – 53 %, 2022.g. – 2016 g. The total funding for the project is EUR 500 000. The project is planned to be implemented within 36 months from the conclusion of the contract or agreement on project implementation. The costs of maintenance required to run the system are EUR 44 000 per year.Relations to projects of the previous programming period, project effectiveness and contribution to SDG result indicators: The project will implement actions that will contribute to the achievement of the results indicators of the SDGs. With the implementation of the project, the percentage of merchants who will use services electronically by submitting forms electronically will increase because the use of e-services existing at LIAA as well as the use of e-services binding to entrepreneurs of other state institutions will be promoted. Within the framework of the project 10 open data sets will be published on the Open Data Portal. Within the framework of the project, two LIAA operational processes will be improved, which will reduce administrative burden for both entrepreneurs and LIAA employees.Project activities will contribute to SAM results as follows:• 2 operational processes will be improved;•The 12 services related to the operational process will be improved;•The percentage of merchants who will use the services by submitting the forms electronically will be improved. The benefit-cost ratio of the project is 1.34, the economic rate of return – 9.87 %, which confirms the high usefulness of the Project implementation.