The aim of the project is to improve the quality of disability expertise services and reduce the administrative burden by providing more user-friendly public services and increased efficiency of operations of the SPEC, as well as by promoting an ever more active use of data in the information system “Invalidity Information System” (EES) by other state and local government institutions, without requiring data subjects to submit them again.The project has the following objectives:M1 Extending the number of VDEK service reception channels and improving the possibilities of electronic services provided to the data subjects. The project will improve and improve the public administration data exchange, data publishing and maintenance infrastructure, data availability and use possibilities, improve public administration processes (including measures to reduce administrative burden and increase the efficiency of the organisational process of public administration). The data at the disposal of the administration will be opened for use in commercial activities, including the creation of new innovative business ideas and products, business automation products and the promotion of economic transformation processes. In addition to the existing services, the necessary services for citizens and merchants will be available electronically.The following actions will be carried out to achieve the project’s objectives:1. Project management.2. Quality control of software development and implementation according to Agile methodology and development of planning documents:2.1. Development of specifications for business processes and business requirements;2.2. Development of technical specifications for the EES and data exchange solution;2.3. Quality control of the development and implementation of the EES software in accordance with the Agile methodology.3. Development and implementation of EES software:3.1. Development of EES software upgrades according to Agile methodology, implementation and data migration; 3.2. Training of EES users.4. Improvement and implementation of EES electronically provided services in the customer service portal.5. Development and implementation of EES data exchange solution with eHealth system.6. Development and implementation of the EES data exchange solution with local social services Social Assistance Administration Applications.7. Development and implementation of EES analytical functionality in the Welfare Information System.8. Development and implementation of EES data exchange solution with information systems managed by the OCMA.9. Maintenance of developed EES solutions.10. Security, performance and quality audits of the EES.11. Implementation of project communication activities.As a result of the project implementation will be improved in the EES, providing high level service provision both to the SPECS and to other relevant institutions, which implement the support, discounts and advantages for persons with disabilities provided for in the state legislation. The six operational processes of the GAEC will also be improved: 1) Processing of applications for disability examination; 2) Processing of applications to contest a decision on disability examination; 3) Evaluation and preparation of the EU E-form (E213LV form “EEA detailed medical report”) on persons with disabilities defined in Latvia in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 883/2004; 4) Evaluation and preparation of documents related to the implementation of bilateral agreements in the field of social security in the field of social security in the Republic of Latvia – Republic of Belarus; 5) Evaluation and preparation of documents in relation to implementation of bilateral agreements in the field of social security; 6) An opinion on the compliance of a person up to the age of 18 with the criteria for determining disability, which were provided for in regulatory enactments to determine disability during person’s care.