Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 19 December 2016
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 12 710 420,53 €
EU contribution: 7 899 558,51 € (62,15%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: FM

Implementation of training for attracting foreign investors

The aim of the project is to promote the competitiveness of enterprises in the global markets by promoting the skills and skills of employees in accordance with market needs and future challenges, providing support for training of employees and investments in innovations, thus ensuring small (micro), small, medium and large merchants who develop products, technologies or services in any of the areas of specialisation defined in smart specialisation strategy, in a new competitive niche identified by the industry or international business service centers, transformation in accordance with global trends, ensure maximum export capacity, productivity and increase the development of training needs in accordance with the requirements of the smart specialisation strategy, in a new competitive niche identified by the industry or in the fields of international business service centers, transformation in accordance with global trends, ensure maximum export capacity, productivity and increase of training needs in the following fields of competitiveness identified by the industry or in the fields of international business service centers, transformation in accordance with global trends, ensure maximum export capacity, productivity and increase of training needs in accordance with the requirements of the High-Added Economics. — attraction of merchants (including foreign investors); Selection of beneficiaries;-Support provision – organisation of training for employees according to the needs of businessmen, involving training providers in the form of external service, providing support for training, if their acquisition in accordance with the regulatory enactments in the field of procurement procedures will be carried out by the beneficiary, ensuring compliance with the Regulation of Sub-Section 365.1.1.6 of the Cabinet Regulations, including the amount of high-level training and good practice take-up for export promotion (see Section 1.5.6 of the project application)Project management and implementation, as well as the amount of support of the European Fund for information and promotion of the exportability of the best practices. Within the framework of the project until 31.12.2023. the following performance indicators will be achieved: A) “Implementation of training for attracting foreign investors”:-at least 11 merchants will receive support (grants);-at least 300 persons will receive non-financial support.b) Within the framework of the supported actions “High Level Training” and “Good Practice Acquisition Training for export promotion”:- Number of supported merchants – 240;- persons who have received non-financial support – within the 900 Project Supported Actions – the timing of implementation of the project – to be financed from the date of signing of the project. At the same time, in accordance with the provisions of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No 365 of 14 June 2016 “Support for ICT and non-technological training, as well as training to promote investor attraction” (hereinafter – CM Regulations No.365), measure “Support for ICT and non-technological training, as well as training to promote attraction of investors” (hereinafter – Cabinet Regulations No.365), the project implementation activities are initiated by at least 1 April 2016 in order to promote investor involvement (hereafter – investor-related companies) in accordance with Paragraph 34.2 of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation.

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