Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 January 2018
End date: 30 June 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 7 338 062,90 €
EU contribution: 6 237 353,46 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: FM

Integrated national activities to strengthen the representation of Latvian research and development interests in the European Research Area

The aim of the project shall be: To strengthen Latvia’s international cooperation in the field of research and technology by promoting the integration of Latvian researchers into the European and global research space and the support of Latvian society to science. Key actions: 1. Strengthening the representation of Latvian research and development interests in the Horizon 2020 programme committees and other international programmes, including an in-depth analysis of the needs of the field of specialisation in the field of Latvian Smart Specialisation (RIS3) in accordance with the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3); 2. national measures to expand international networks, including: 1) Targeted development of relations and cooperation with diaspora abroad for implementation of joint research and development activities and expansion of opportunities for cooperation, including identification and analysis of the diaspora community of Latvian scientists abroad on existing mutual cooperation networks and communication activities with the diaspora of Latvian scientists; 2) purposeful cooperation with Latvian and foreign economic and diplomatic representations to expand and deepen cooperation contacts; 3) Ensuring Latvia’s participation in international R & D co-operation initiatives, as a priority in Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs), and creation of ecosystems appropriate to these initiatives, including appropriate participation funding and ensuring financing of Latvian partners of non-economic projects supported within their framework in accordance with the eligible actions and eligible costs defined by the JPI; 4) Implementing an integrated communication campaign, including studies from target groups; 5) Organisation of the World Congress of Latvian Scientists in 2018; 3. Extension of the functionality of the National Scientific Activity Information System (NZDIS) and data integration solutions with other information systems or databases; 4. implementation of project publicity and communication activities; Project 5 management. Expected results: 1. at least ten projects supported and funded by the ERDF in JPIs; 2. Participation in five JPIs; 3. Ensure the World Congress of Latvian Scientists in Latvia in 2018. Total cost: EUR 7338062,90 (ERDF EUR 6237353,46 and state budget co-financing EUR 1100709.44).Project duration: 01.01.2018.-30.06.2023.

Flag of Latvia  Riga, Latvia