Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 24 March 2016
End date: 30 June 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 35 504 700,00 €
EU contribution: 28 403 760,00 € (80%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Planning and priorities Coordination Division (PPCD) – Ministry for European Affairs and the Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto

SMITHS: Introduction of Sustainable Multi Intermodal Transport Hubs across Malta and Gozo

The SMITHS project aims to encourage a modal shift from private car use to collective, sustainable & alternative low-carbon transport modes, improve air quality & reduce GHG emissions.SMITHS shall facilitate intermodality and address cleaner air through the introduction of various intermodal choices particularly by upgrading the inner-harbour ferry network, and promoting walking and cycling as a clean and sustainable mode for commuting, through the introduction of segregated cycling lanes and pedestrian paths along the road network. SMITHS shall also support a low carbon transport system through the introduction of a new multimodal hub in Gozo which shall include a park and ride facility operated by clean collective modes of transport and the extension of the national electric vehicle charging network across Malta and Gozo. Public bus transport and traffic efficiency shall also be indirectly addressed in this project. Key current ITS systems shall be integrated into one platform to provide close to real time traffic data and travel information which will be relayed through a number of real-time data sets. Finally, an Information Campaign will be launched to promote a behavioural shift in transport practices.

Flag of Malta  Malta