Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 20 July 2020
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 10 920 900,00 €
EU contribution: n/a
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Ενδιάμεση Διαχειριστική Αρχή Περιφέρειας Αττικής


The scope of the project includes all the necessary studies and work of Civil Engineering and Electromechanical and Railway systems concerning:The construction of a new metal building/hat, open perimeter, measuring approximately 70 m x 43 m, in a new area of about 5 acres, adjacent to the existing Tram depot, which will serve the deposition of twenty-two (22) new Tram vehicles in 11 parallel new tracks in a ballast, with one operating length of 2 vehicles. The new tracks will be connected to the existing trajectories of the train station by means of new railway branches/changes at their ends, and the 750 V DC airline will be extended to ensure smooth running of trains in the new tracks. Between the tracks, the required low-height platforms used as access to vehicle cleaning will be constructed under the roof. Due to the expansion of the train station and the management of the increased fleet of Tram vehicles, it will require extension and upgrading of certain electromechanical and railway systems in the existing depot.Additional work within the existing workshop building to create two new visit-repair trenches and cover the operational needs resulting from the expansion of the train station and the supply of new trains.

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