The general objective of the project is the development of the educational and training structure of the “Constantin Brâncusi” Technological High School in order to ensure a European educational process, investments in education, and professional training, for the acquisition of competences and lifelong learning being a key factor of national development. This general objective is perfectly in line with the general objective of investment priority 4.4/OS 4.5. of ROP 2014-2020: Increase the quality of educational infrastructure relevant to the labour market. The project aims to increase the quality of the professional and technological educational system infrastructure and to train the young generation. Given the negative demographic trends, the educational profile of the population is an essential condition for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The investment will contribute to strengthening the role of the city as a growth engine, by addressing the current shortcomings in the education system and improving the availability, quality and relevance of the educational infrastructure and endowment.